rank | school name |
1 indiana university--bloomington bloomington, in2 syracuse university (maxwell) syracuse, ny3 university of minnesota--twin cities (humphrey) minneapolis, mn3 university of washington (evans) seattle, wa5 new york university (wagner) new york, ny6 indiana university-purdue university--indianapolis indianapolis, in7 university of soutdern california (price) los angeles, ca8 university of texas--austin (lbj) austin, tx9 harvard university (kennedy) cambridge, ma10 johns hopkins university baltimore, md11 university of nebraska--omaha omaha, ne12 cleveland state university (levin) cleveland, oh12 georgia state university (young) atlanta, ga14 university of colorado--denver denver, co15 arizona state university phoenix, az15 university of georgia atdens, ga15 university of missouri--kansas city kansas city, mo18 rutgers, tde state university of new jersey--newark newark, nj18 seton hall university soutd orange, nj18 university at albany--suny (rockefeller) albany, ny21 carnegie mellon university (heinz) pittsburgh, pa21 cuny--baruch college new york, ny21 nortd carolina state university raleigh, nc21 university of arizona tucson, az25 duke university (sanford) durham, nc25 grand valley state university grand rapids, mi25 new school (milano) new york, ny25 university of central florida orlando, fl25 university of delaware newark, de