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2014.07.31     来源:沃尔德留学     浏览:626
排名 大学 大学中文名 学费 学生总数 新生保留率 6年内毕业率 少于20人班比例 sat/act 25th-75th percentile
#1 massachusetts institute of technology 麻省理工学院 $42,050 10,894 98% 93% 66.80% 1410-1570
#2 stanford university 斯坦福大学 $41,787 19,945 98% 96% 68.90% 1360-1550
#3 california institute of technology 加州理工学院 $39,588 2,231 98% 87% 63.40% 1460-1590
#3 university of california--berkeley 加利福尼亚大学 n/a 36,142 97% 90% 64.20% 1250-1490
#5 georgia institute of technology 佐治亚理工学院 in-state: $10,098, out-of-state: $29,402 20,941 94% 79% 41.00% 1260-1450
#5 university of illinois--urbana-champaign 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 in-state: $14,428, out-of-state: $28,570 44,407 94% 82% 34.00% 26-31
#7 university of michigan--ann arbor 密歇根大学安娜堡分校 in-state: $13,437, out-of-state: $39,109 42,716 96% 90% 48.00% 28-32
#8 carnegie mellon university 卡耐基梅隆大学 $45,124 12,058 96% 87% 68.60% 1310-1510
#8 cornell university 康奈尔大学 $43,413 21,131 97% 93% 57.00% 1300-1500
#10 princeton university 普林斯顿大学 $38,650 7,859 98% 96% 70.60% 1410-1590
#10 purdue university--west lafayette 普渡大学西拉法叶校区 in-state: $9,900, out-of-state: $28,702 39,637 88% 68% 36.90% 1040-1300
#10 university of texas--austin 德克萨斯奥斯汀大学 in-state: $9,792, out-of-state: $33,060 51,112 92% 81% 33.40% 1120-1380
#13 northwestern university 西北大学 $43,779 19,968 97% 94% 75.30% 31-34
#13 university of wisconsin--madison 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校 in-state: $10,384, out-of-state: $26,634 42,441 94% 83% 43.90% 26-30
#15 johns hopkins university 霍普金斯大学 $43,930 21,139 97% 92% 67.40% 1310-1510
#16 pennsylvania state university--university park 宾州州立大学 in-state: $16,444, out-of-state: $28,746 45,628 92% 87% 38.30% 1090-1300
#16 rice university 莱斯大学 $37,292 6,224 97% 92% 69.60% 1330-1530
#16 texas a&m university--college station 德州农工大学 in-state: $8,505, out-of-state: $25,035 49,861 92% 80% 19.00% 1100-1300
#16 virginia tech 弗吉尼亚理工学院 in-state: $10,930, out-of-state: $25,320 30,936 91% 82% 28.30% 1110-1310
#20 columbia university 哥伦比亚大学 $47,246 22,885 99% 96% 80.70% 1390-1560
#20 duke university 杜克大学 $43,623 15,427 97% 94% 71.60% 1350-1530
#20 university of california--los angeles 加州大学洛杉矶分校 in-state: $12,692, out-of-state: $35,570 40,675 97% 90% 50.90% 1180-1440
#23 harvard university 哈佛大学 $40,866 19,872 98% 97% 78.00% 1390-1590
#23 rensselaer polytechnic institute 伦斯特理工学院 $44,475 6,914 93% 84% 45.10% 1290-1470
#23 university of california--san diego 加州大学圣地亚哥分校 n/a 28,593 95% 85% 37.30% 1110-1360
#23 university of maryland--college park 马里兰大学帕克分校 in-state: $8,908, out-of-state: $27,287 37,580 94% 82% 34.70% 1190-1400
#23 university of minnesota--twin cities 明尼苏达大学双城分校 n/a 52,557 89% 70% 40.70% 25-30
#23 university of southern california 南加州大学 $44,463 38,010 97% 90% 60.80% 1280-1490
#23 university of washington 华盛顿大学 n/a 42,428 93% 80% 34.30% 1080-1350
#30 north carolina state university--raleigh 北卡罗来纳州立大学 in-state: $7,788, out-of-state: $20,953 34,767 91% 72% 20.80% 1090-1280
#30 ohio state university--columbus 俄亥俄州立大学哥伦布分校 in-state: $10,037, out-of-state: $25,445 56,867 93% 80% 30.70% 26-30
#30 university of california--davis 加州大学戴维斯分校 in-state: $13,877, out-of-state: $36,755 31,732 92% 86% 32.60% 1090-1340
#30 university of pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚大学 $43,738 19,919 98% 96% 71.50% 1350-1530
#34 university of colorado--boulder 科罗拉多大学波尔得分校 in-state: $9,482, out-of-state: $31,378 32,252 84% 68% 39.20% 24-28
#34 university of florida 佛罗里达大学 n/a 49,589 96% 84% 45.00% 1160-1360
#34 university of virginia 弗吉尼亚大学 in-state: $12,006, out-of-state: $38,018 24,297 97% 94% 52.90% 1240-1460
#34 vanderbilt university 范德堡大学 $42,118 12,836 97% 92% 61.70% 31-34
#34 yale university 耶鲁大学 $42,300 11,875 99% 97% 77.20% 1400-1590
#39 brown university 布朗大学 $43,758 8,768 98% 95% 70.30% 1340-1520
#39 iowa state university 爱荷华州立大学 in-state: $7,726, out-of-state: $19,838 29,611 86% 68% 30.40% 22-28
#39 lehigh university 里海大学 $42,220 7,055 94% 87% 47.70% 1220-1400
#39 university of california--santa barbara 加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校 in-state: $13,671, out-of-state: $36,549 21,685 91% 86% 46.80% 1120-1360
#39 washington university in st. louis 圣路易斯华盛顿大学 $43,705 13,908 97% 93% 67.90% 32-34
#44 arizona state university 亚利桑那州立大学 in-state: $9,724, out-of-state: $22,977 72,254 82% 57% 39.40% 970-1240
#44 case western reserve university 华盛顿天主教大学 $40,490 9,636 92% 78% 62.10% 1240-1440
#44 dartmouth college 达特茅斯学院 $45,042 6,144 98% 95% 64.70% 1350-1560
#44 michigan state university 密歇根州立大学 n/a 47,954 91% 77% 23.60% 23-28
#44 university of california--irvine 加州大学欧文分校 n/a 27,189 94% 85% 47.00% 1060-1310
#44 university of notre dame 圣母大学 $42,971 12,004 98% 96% 55.30% 32-34
#50 rutgers, the state university of new jersey--new brunswick 罗格斯大学新伯朗士威校区 in-state: $13,073, out-of-state: $26,393 39,950 92% 77% 38.70% 1080-1310
#50 university of arizona 亚利桑那大学 in-state: $10,035, out-of-state: $26,231 39,236 78% 61% 34.80% 970-1220
#50 university of pittsburgh 匹兹堡大学 in-state: $16,590, out-of-state: $26,280 28,766 92% 79% 40.30% 1170-1380
#53 auburn university 奥本大学 in-state: $9,446, out-of-state: $25,190 25,469 87% 66% 25.90% 24-30
#53 boston university 波士顿大学 $42,994 32,439 91% 85% 54.90% 1180-1370
#53 colorado school of mines 科罗拉多矿业大学 in-state: $17,718, out-of-state: $32,748 5,346 88% 70% 35.80% 27-31
#53 drexel university 德雷塞尔大学 $36,090 18,489 84% 68% 60.30% 1100-1310
#53 university of delaware 德拉华大学 n/a 20,737 92% 78% 36.30% 1100-1300
#58 clemson university 克莱姆森大学 in-state: $12,674, out-of-state: $29,600 19,914 91% 80% 51.60% 1140-1330
#58 northeastern university 东北大学 $39,736 19,719 93% 77% 63.50% 1250-1430
#58 tufts university 塔夫斯大学 $44,666 10,775 97% 90% 69.10% 1360-1500
#58 university of iowa 爱荷华大学 in-state: $8,057, out-of-state: $26,279 29,810 85% 71% 50.90% 23-28
#58 university of massachusetts--amherst 马萨诸塞大学amherst校区 in-state: $13,230, out-of-state: $26,645 28,084 88% 67% 41.80% 1090-1280
#58 worcester polytechnic institute 伍斯特理工学院 $41,380 5,778 94% 76% 65.20% 1200-1400
#64 colorado state university 科罗拉多州立大学 in-state: $8,608, out-of-state: $24,400 30,450 83% 64% 33.20% 22-27
#64 illinois institute of technology 伊利诺伊理工学院 $37,093 7,787 91% 64% 55.50% 24-31
#64 michigan technological university 密歇根理工大学 in-state: $13,353, out-of-state: $27,258 7,034 82% 65% 47.50% 24-29
#64 rochester institute of technology 罗切斯特理工学院 $33,258 16,166 86% 66% 49.10% 1100-1330
#64 university at buffalo--suny 约州立大学水牛城分校 in-state: $7,482, out-of-state: $15,592 28,860 88% 71% 33.10% 1060-1260
#64 university of illinois--chicago 伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校 in-state: $13,050, out-of-state: $25,440 28,091 80% 54% 28.70% 21-26
#64 university of kansas 堪萨斯大学 n/a 27,939 79% 61% 41.50% 22-28
#64 university of rochester 罗切斯特大学 $43,666 10,319 95% 83% 69.40% 1230-1440
#64 university of tennessee 田纳西大学 n/a 30,194 85% 63% 33.10% 24-29
#64 university of utah 犹他大学 in-state: $7,212, out-of-state: $22,912 31,660 85% 55% 41.60% 21-27
#64 washington state university 华盛顿州立大学 in-state: $12,300, out-of-state: $25,382 27,327 83% 67% 39.60% 950-1180
#75 kansas state university 堪萨斯州立大学 n/a 23,863 80% 56% 49.70% 21-27
#75 missouri university of science & technology 密苏里理工大学 in-state: $9,350, out-of-state: $23,666 7,522 86% 67% 40.30% 25-31
#75 new jersey institute of technology

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