1.what are your plan in 5 to 10 years-
2.what is your toefl score-
3.do you apply any other school-
4.is your research project very difficult-
5.if you are given an offer, can you come here this july-
6.whats you graduate research work-
7.why pursue ph.d.-
8.please introduce yourself.
9.where are you from-
10.whats your major-
11.please tell me your working experience.
12.what will you plan to do in the future-
13.whats your hobby- what do you do in your spare time-
14.if we give you this offer, will you accept it-
15.why are you interested in *** university-
16.why are you going to usa not staying your homeland to study-
17.say something about your work, etc.
18.who is the great person in the world in your eyes-
19.do you have some question on me or on my institute-
20.do you have any special or excellent idea during your research experience-
21.did you use any english textbook in classes-
22.will you like to study in a small but with high quality university or a big university like harvard or princeton-
23.do you apply for other university or contact with other faculties in the university-
24.how about your ability to be a teaching assistant-
在电话面试之前,学校会事先用e-mail和你确定时间,你应该准备充分,但不要忘了中美之间的时差,准确计算好时间,即使教授迟到也要耐心等待。面试中的主要问题大多有关研究兴趣(research interest),研究背景(research background),教学经验(teaching experience),所学课程的名称(the names of your courses),个人兴趣 (individual interests)等等。
how to prepare telephone interview-
把教授可能提的问题列出来,并写出答案,反复练习。可以找个老外请教,他可能会给你出谋划策,也帮你练练口语。多准备一些专业问题。一般申请ra,肯定会问一些专业问题,如要求的一些基础理论和基本技术,以及具体的技术。另外需准备一些向教授的提问,例如该学校的气候(climate),生活环境(living environment),学费(tuition)和奖学金的数量(the amount of scholarship)等等。总之准备一定要充分。
how to conduct an interview-
在面试之前,一定要放松,充满自信但要礼貌,记住,是他们想要你。并且一般interview之前offer差不多都决定了。如果在面试中你有一些问题不懂,可以用忘了词汇来解释。如: question: what method you learn on optimization- answer: newton,and some others i do not know how to pronounce.
在面试过程中不要机械地背诵你所准备的材料,只放在手边作为参考。说英语时尽量慢,你是中国学生,只要说清楚就行了,快了反而会弄巧成拙。当然如果你的英语极好就另当别论了。假如面试开始时你听不懂或听不清教授的问题,你可以问: please speak loudly because my phoneline is not clear. 教授就会说得更大声、更慢。准备一些欢迎和感谢的客套话,但尽量显得不卑不亢。例如: i do appreciate that you give me such a good chance to talk to you. thank you for your calling!
当面试感觉不错时,千万不要忘记提醒他关于奖学金的事。例如: i do want to be your student. but you know, i cannot go without full financial aid. (要坚决表达出:如果你不给我全奖,我是不会去的。相反,如果你给我全奖,我会拒掉其他学校。)