另外有一个是大学本身十分看重的一个组织,相当程度上能够表明学校水准,这个就是美洲大学联盟 【association of american universities (aau)】,简称aau,从1900年开始至今21世纪,在美国加拿大几千所大学里面,仅仅只有64所入选,而且历史上有两所曾经入选学校因为表现不佳,被剔除aau,因此现在只有62所。
本科生人数: 1,044,759; 占全美国7%(下同)
授予学士学位人数: 235,328; 占17%
研究生人数: 418,066; 占20%
授予硕士学位人数: 106,971; 19%
授予职业学位人数: 20,859; 25%
授予博士学位人数: 22,747; 52%
博士后研究人员: 30,430; 67%
国外交流学生数: 57,205
国家奖学金得主 (2004): 5,434; 63%
师资队伍: 大约72,000
member institutions and years of admission
brandeis university (1985)
brown university (1933)
california institute of technology (1934)
carnegie mellon university (1982)
case western reserve university (1969)
columbia university (1900)
cornell university (1900)
duke university (1938)
emory university (1995)
harvard university (1900)
indiana university (1909)
iowa state university (1958)
the johns hopkins university (1900)
massachusetts institute of technology (1934)
mcgill university (1926)
michigan state university (1964)
new york university (1950)
northwestern university (1917)
the ohio state university (1916)
the pennsylvania state university (1958)
princeton university (1900)
purdue university (1958)
rice university (1985)
rutgers, the state university of new jersey (1989)
stanford university (1900)
stony brook university-state university of new york (2001)
syracuse university (1966)
texas a&m university (2001)
tulane university (1958)
the university of arizona (1985)
university at buffalo, the state university of new york (1989)
university of california, berkeley (1900)
university of california, davis (1996)
university of california, irvine (1996)
university of california, los angeles (1974)
university of california, san diego (1982)
university of california, santa barbara (1995)
the university of chicago (1900)
university of colorado at boulder (1966)
university of florida (1985)
university of illinois at urbana-champaign (1908)
the university of iowa (1909)
the university of kansas (1909)
university of maryland, college park (1969)
university of michigan (1900)
university of minnesota, twin cities (1908)
university of missouri-columbia (1908)
university of nebraska-lincoln (1909)
the university of north carolina at chapel hill (1922)
university of oregon (1969)
university of pennsylvania (1900)
university of pittsburgh (1974)
university of rochester (1941)
university of southern california (1969)
the university of texas at austin (1929)
university of toronto (1926)
university of virginia (1904)
university of washington (1950)
the university of wisconsin-madison (1900)
vanderbilt university (1950)
washington university in st. louis (1923)
yale university (1900)