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    VIP 4

    PART 1. Did you make a lot of friends when you were a child? Have you made any new friends recently? What do you often talk about with your new friends? Do you like meeting new people?   

    PART 2. Describe a sport that you really like.

    PART 3. Is sports important for children? Why? How can we make children aware of the importance of sports? What challenges would children face when learning new sports?

    VIP 6

    PART 1. What's your favorite color? What's the color you dislike? Why? What color makes you uncomfortable in your room?

    PART 2. Describe a rule that is important in your school or at work.

    PART 3. What kinds of rules do people need to follow in public places? What are the reasons that cause people to break the rules? When people break the rules, how would they be punished in your country?

    VIP 8

    PART 1. What was your first mobile phone? Do you often use your mobile phone for texting or calls? Will you buy a new one in the future?

    PART 2. Describe a cultural place that you would like to learn the culture there.

    PART 3. How do young people learn about different cultures? Which is more important in terms of culture, literature or music? Does the culture of the past have an impact on today's culture?

    VIP 9

    PART 1. Have you ever collected coins? Is it convenient to use coins? Do you use coins in your daily life? Did you use coins as a child?

    PART 2. Describe an occasion when you helped a family member.

    PART 3. Should parents always help their children with everything? What can children learn by helping others? Should parents reward their children when they help others?

    Room 5

    PART 1. When was the first time you used a computer? What would your life be like without computers? In what conditions would it be difficult for you to use a computer?

    PART 2. Describe a time when you lost an important and valuable item.

    PART 3. What are the reasons why people often misplace or lose things? What do people often do after losing things? What should parents do to teach their children not to lose things?

    Room 8

    PART 1. Are you a person who often makes others laugh? Do you always laugh at funny things?

    When was the last time you laughed?

    PART 2. Describe your favorite food at a traditional festival or a special event in your country.

    PART 3. What plants can people grow in cities? Are there any difficulties when people grow plants in cities? Do most people prefer vegetables bought from the supermarket or grown at home?

    Room 10

    PART 1. Do you have a teacher from your past that you still remember? Are you still in touch with your primary school teachers? Do you want to be a teacher in the future?

    PART 2. Describe a person from whom others like to ask for advice.

    PART 3. Why do some people like to ask others for advice on almost everything? Do you think the advice parents give their children is always good? Are professional consultancy services expensive in your country?

    Room 12

    PART 1. Do you prefer living in an old building or a modern house? Are there any old buildings you want to see in the future? Why?

    PART 2. Describe a crowded place you went to.

    PART 3. Will people use bikes more or less in cities in the future? Why do people go to crowded places? Do you think there are some people who enjoy crowded places?


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