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    地点:     浏览:672


    VIP 4

    PART 1. Do you study or work? What do you usually do on weekends? What did you do last weekend? Do you make plans for your weekends?

    PART 2. Describe a special meal that someone made for you.

    PART 3. Should students learn to cook at school? Do you think people’s eating habits will change as they get older? Do people in your country like to learn to cook from TV programs? What kinds of fast food are popular in China?

    VIP 6

    PART 1. How does the Internet influence people? Do you think you spend too much time online? What would you do without the Internet?

    PART 2. Describe an important plant in your country.

    PART 3. Have new kinds of plants been grown in your city recently? Why do some people like to keep plants at home? Are there many trees in your city?

    VIP 8

    PART 1. What kinds of interesting things have you done with science? Do you like watching science TV programs? Do Chinese people often visit science museums?

    PART 2. Describe a natural place.

    PART 3. What can people gain from going to natural places? Are there any wild animals in the city? Do you think it is a good idea to let animals stay in local parks for people to see?

    VIP 9

    PART 1. Are you interested in news? Have you read the news this morning? How do you usually find news? Do you often talk with your friends about the news?

    PART 2. Describe a film character played by an actor or actress whom you admire.

    PART 3. Is being a professional actor or actress a good career? What can children learn from acting? Why do children like special costumes? What are the differences between actors or actresses who earn much and those who earn little?

    Room 5

    PART 1. Have you ever learned about outer space and stars? Do you like science fiction movies? Do you want to know more about outer space? Do you want to go into outer space in the future?

    PART 2. Describe a noisy place you have been to.

    PART 3. Which area is more exposed to noise, the city or the countryside? How would people usually respond to noises in your country? How can people consider others’ feelings when chatting in public?

    Room 8

    PART 1. Do you work or study? Where is your school? Do you like your school? Do you think your school is a good place to study? What is the environment like at your school?

    PART 2. Describe an interesting old person you have met.

    PART 3. What can old people teach young people? Is it easy for young people and old people to make friends with each other? Are there benefits when one person is interested in another person? Why?

    Room 10

    PART 1. Which do you use more often? Pen or pencil? When was the last time you bought a pen or pencil? What do you think about someone giving you a pen or pencil as a present?

    PART 2. Describe an advertisement you have seen but did not like.

    PART 3. What are the benefits of advertising? Which one is more effective, newspaper advertising or online advertising? What are the most advertised products in your country?

    Room 12

    PART 1. Do you usually use numbers? Are you good at math? Are you good at remembering phone numbers? What’s your favorite number?

    PART 2. Describe a historical building you have been to.

    PART 3. Do Chinese people like to visit historical buildings? Do most people agree with the government’s funding to protect historical buildings? Is it necessary to protect historical buildings?


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